Laravel , 7 months ago

Laravel Eager Loading: Selecting Specific Columns and Handling Non-Standard Foreign Keys

Full Example with Eager Loading, Specific Columns, Non-Standard Foreign Key (Models and Controller)

This example demonstrates eager loading posts of a user in Laravel, selecting specific columns, and handling a non-standard foreign key (owner_id) in both models and the controller.

1. User Model (app/Models/User.php):



namespace App\Models;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class User extends Model
    protected $fillable = ['name'];  // Define fillable fields for security

    public function posts()
        return $this->hasMany(Post::class, 'owner_id');  // Specify owner_id as foreign key


  • The User model has a fillable field (name) for security.
  • The posts method defines an inverse relationship using hasMany, connecting users to posts with owner_id as the foreign key.

2. Post Model (app/Models/Post.php):



namespace App\Models;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Post extends Model
    protected $fillable = ['title'];  // Define fillable fields for security

    public function owner()
        return $this->belongsTo(User::class, 'owner_id');  // Define relationship with user


  • The Post model has a fillable field (title) for security.
  • The owner method defines a relationship using belongsTo, connecting posts to the User model with owner_id as the foreign key.

3. UsersController (app/Http/Controllers/UsersController.php):



namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use App\Models\User;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;

class UsersController extends Controller
    public function show(int $userId)
        $user = User::with(['posts:owner_id,title'])->find($userId);

        if ($user) {
            echo "<h2>" . $user->name . "'s Posts</h2>";

            if ($user->posts->isNotEmpty()) {
                foreach ($user->posts as $post) {
                    // Verify owner_id matches the user ID for data integrity
                    if ($post->owner_id === $userId) {
                        echo " - " . $post->title . "<br>";
                    } else {
                        echo "Error: Post owner_id mismatch!";
            } else {
                echo "This user has no posts.";
        } else {
            echo "User with ID " . $userId . " not found.";


  • The UsersController has a show method that accepts a $userId parameter.
  • It uses User::with to eager load posts, selecting owner_id and title from the posts table.
  • The code checks if the user exists and displays their name.
  • It iterates through the posts collection, accessing the title of each post.
  • It verifies if the owner_id of the post matches the provided $userId to ensure data integrity.
  • The code handles cases where the user has no posts or isn't found.

Running the Example:

  1. Ensure you have Laravel installed and your project is set up.
  2. Create the User and Post models using Laravel's artisan commands.
  3. Define the relationships and fillable fields in the models as shown above.
  4. Create a controller named UsersController with the show method.
  5. You can modify the logic to display the user's information and posts based on your view structure.

This example provides a comprehensive solution for eager loading user posts with specific columns while handling a non-standard foreign key in Laravel. Remember to adapt the code to your specific database schema and application requirements.
